Dive Brief:
- Amazon has launched further into the grocery retail business with its latest private-label addition, Wickedly Prime, TechCrunch and Progressive Grocer reported.
- "Not only does it have 'Prime' in its name, the boxes feature the iconic Amazon 'smile' in the brand’s logo, and the product packaging even states, 'Distributed by Amazon Fulfillment Services,'" One Click Retail told TechCrunch.
- Previously, Amazon's private label goods only stated "AFS Brands LLC" on their packaging.
Dive Insight:
Amazon's use of the term "Prime" within grocery retail could entice consumers who crave the exclusivity such a paid subscription grants. The digital giant brand is now participating in other categories, such as snacks, that embrace consumers' many changing demands. Like previous attempts from Costco, Amazon may limit its sales prices and products to members only.
If anything, this announcement shows how onboard Amazon is with its new private label grocery strategy. That could leave both manufacturers and brick-and-mortar retail grocers wondering how their products can remain distinct and important while also embracing other future opportunities.
Flavor appears to be a focus for Amazon, which could be a factor in future decision-making. This could mean a more respectable portfolio of products or innovations if the brand proves itself in terms of quantity and quality to meet fluctuating supply and demand.